Munkholm is Norway's largest alcohol-free beer, first launched in 1991. Over the past few decades, the brand has grown significantly through new innovations. Ringnes wanted to redesign Munkholm to give it a more modern look, while still maintaining the communication that Munkholm is real beer, brewed by the monks on Munkholmen.
The new design aims to reinforce the values of tradition and craftsmanship in a modern way. Strømme Throndsen Design has refined an icon by streamlining the design and removing distracting elements. The result is a clearer, updated brand with more strength in what Munkholm actually is.
Emphasis has been placed on creating a sense of continuity within the portfolio, as well as clarifying the role of the different variants. This strengthens the brand and gives a more cohesive impression on the shelf. The consumer is left with the impression that Munkholm is real beer without alcohol.